Oils on Canvas (1940s)
Oils on Canvas (1940s)
Oils on Canvas (1940s)
The Sisters, granite, 10 x 16 in. WNY prize-winner in Family Collection
The Sisters, granite, 10 x 16 in. WNY prize-winner in Family Collection
The Sisters, granite, 10 x 16 in. WNY prize-winner in Family Collection
The Sisters, granite, 10 x 16 in. WNY prize-winner in Family Collection
Faith Howard Davis
(1915 – 1967)
Artist / Professor of Art, Sarah Lawrence College
1915 Born Faith Louise Howard on July 29 in Chicago, IL
1925 Moves to Buffalo, NY, attends Elmwood Franklin School
1933 Graduates from Buffalo Seminary, Annual Art Prize winner
1937 Graduates from Sarah Lawrence College, Bronxville, NY with a BA in Art
1939–66 Accepted annually into AAG Western New York Show
1938 Joins the art faculty at Sarah Lawrence College and the Dalton School in New York City
Draws artwork for Sarah Lawrence Magazine
Sarah Lawrence College
1939 Initiates classes painting for Mrs. Seymore Knox at her studio on Oakland Place, Buffalo
1939 Exhibits at the Carl Bredemeirer Gallery
Accepted into the Albright Art Gallery Western New York Exhibition
1940 Begins teaching at the Buffalo Fine Arts Academy / Albright Art School
1941 Marries Charles S. Davis Jr. of Buffalo, NY
1943 Son, Howard C. Davis, born
1945 Wins first prize in 11th Annual AAG Western New York Exhibition
1946 Wins Alexander Reed Award, first prize for sculpture in12th Annual AAG Western
New York Exhibition (entry: THE SISTERS)
1947 Exhibits granite sculpture, THE HOUND OF THE BASKERVILLES and SMALL BOY SITTING IN A CHAIR at the Junior League Rooms
Exhibits PINK LADY at Albright Art Gallery
Exhibits at Kleinhans Music Hall
1948 Joins teaching faculty of the Art Institute of Buffalo with Robert Blair, teaches stone cutting and wood carving
Exhibits at Junior League Rooms in two one-woman shows
Joins and exhibits with Patteran Art Society
1949 Wins first prize for sculpture in AAG Western New York Exhibition
Designs and executes major artwork for the new Grand Island Playhouse
Exhibits with Robert Blair, Sydney Jennings, Jimmy Vullo, Toni Sisti and Harriott Graff at
Junior League Rooms
1950 Daughter, Margo Davis, born
Co-Chairs Patteran Exhibition at AAG
Exhibits CITYSCAPE at Patteran
1953 Designs FIGARO sets for New York City Opera at Kleinhans Music Hall ("...drawing sharp applause for their treatment." – Kenneth Gill, Buffalo Evening News)
1954 Designs LA BOHEME sets for New York City Opera at Kleinhans Music Hall ("...thrifty and descriptive sets." – Kenneth Gill, Buffalo Evening News)
1955 President of Patteran
(Still instructing at Art Institute)
Reviews/critiques commercially I..E.: Contemporary American Group: Ratthler, Knaths, Martin Hartley for Buffalo News
Wins James Carey Evans Memorial prize for Watercolor at AAG Westenn
New York Exhibition
1959 Exhibits at Toni Sisti Gallery with Peach (Cecelia Evans) Taylor, Martha Vissert’hooft
and Beth Nablo
Exhibits at the studio of the late Art Kowalski in his memory, returning to her
sparkling watercolors
President of Buffalo Art Society with Walter Prochownik and Ed Ahrens
Initiates painting classes at Northeast YMCA
Begins Amherst Art society
1960 Initiates the Art Program at Nichols School in chemistry lab as a “sports” elective
(later, passes established program to Otis Leslie)
1961 Exhibits watercolors with bronzes by Peach Taylor at Coffee Encore
Wins second prize for watercolor at first annual Religious Art Festival
Exhibits Amherst Artist Society Exhibit of watercolors at Studio Theatre
1962 Creates, designs and paints sets for THE REAR OF THE BUS, an original play by Roger Squire at Studio Theatre on Hoyt Street, Kay Kingdon Director, Blossom Cohan, Promotions
Wins prize for painting in first Liturgical Art Exhibit at Canisius College
with George Palmer, Larry Griffiths, Grace McHendry, and Bob Freeland.
Studies with Jimmy Kuo, 1920-–1995, who has a major influence on her style
James (Jimmy) K.Y. Kuo
To see Faith Davis'
Jimmy Kuo influenced
artworks, CLICK HERE
Untitled (Garden)
1963 Guest speaker for television, radio interview shows, local art societies and other art associations
Diagnosed with late onset diabetes
Exhibits at Park School Kimble Gallery with Mary Wright and Taddy Dann
1965 Artwork chosen to hang in Robert F. Kennedy’s New York City office
1966 Exhibits HORIZON with Jimmy Vullo, Walter Prochownik, Seymore Drumlewitch,
David Dyviniak, Harriett Greff and the Koenigs
1967 May, dies unexpectedly